Proposal Information
Proposal description:
We propose to write a smart contract that can be attached to any AragonOS DAO (including Gardens) to prevent DAO members from performing certain actions unless they are validated with BrightId.
The initial use case is to limit the creation of decision and funding proposals for the BrightId Garden. Only verified accounts will be able to create these sorts of proposals.
The work will consist of three parts:
- Writing the smart contract. This will take the form of an AragonOS ACL oracle that can be attached to any AragonOS DAO permission. It can permit the action if the performing address is registered within the BrightId User Register (this is the same register used for limiting the amount of HNY staked in Celeste).
- Adapting the frontend. We would like to do minimal modifications to the frontend as this is not a feature supported by most of the gardens. We basically will add an extra requirement in the sign covenant modal that is going to ask you to validate your address.
- Deploying the solution. After testing it on rinkeby, we will create a decision vote in the BrightId DAO on xDAI. We will use the new EVMcrispr library to roughly speaking “change the DAO’s DNA”, sending the encoded action that is going to be executed by the DAO itself.
Proposal Rationale
This proposal can be seen as a step further towards a closer integration of BrightId and Gardens (and Aragon DAOs in general).
The scope of this funding proposal is to prevent non-verified community members from creating DAO proposals. This is not, in itself, a particularly special thing. But it lays the ground work for future applications that do more with the identity constraints that BrightId enables
For example, it opens the door to the implementation of apps such as Quadratic Voting and/or Quadratic Conviction Voting (which could be done with a “Quadratic” Voting Aggregator). If this proposal is successful, we could study the feasibility of such a thing (we believe this would be extremely useful for the broader Aragon ecosystem).
This solution will also implement the new ACL oracle interface required by Aragon Govern, so it could also be used to prevent unverified unverified members from creating votes in the Aragon Network DAO - assuming BrightId is eventually selected as their decentralized identity solution.
Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
We think we can have this ready in two weeks (after the vote is executed).
Team Information (For Funding Proposals)
- @willjgriff -
- @sem -
- @elessar -
Skills and previous experience in related or similar work:
- Will built the BrightId Register that is working right now for Celeste.
- Sem has implemented ACL oracles for the same use case previously.
- Elessar has coded most of the EVMcrispr library that will be used to create the vote in the Garden.
Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)
Amount of Bright requested: 8,000 BRIGHT (~$5,000) that will support the work of Gardens Swarm.
Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:
Gardens Swarm Agent Address - 0xc542cc61ed9be9e6e29652ac8a918554ecd2bc98
More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used:
Some of the funds will be transferred to the people who works on the proposal (listed above), and the remaining will be used to support other endeavors within the Gardens project.
EDIT: We clarified some parts of the proposal. Praise to @sacha for his thorough proof-reading .