Aura Payment until April 2nd, 2024

This proposal will be used to pay the Aura development team.
The hours below represent the amount of work done until February 27th, 2024.

TheMonkeyCoder: 7:55:56 Aura, 9:15:39 BrightID - 40$ per hour → 687.72$
Beigi: 17:11:00 - 40$ per hour → 687.33$
Amirerfan: 1:25:15 - 35$ per hour →224$
Deduction for Amirerfan’s upfront payment : -350$

onchain fees: +10$
Previous proposal price change: +20.14$

total: 1279.19$

There was a mistake in typing the proposal:

  • Amirerfan: 6:24:00